Full Spectrum Dominance is a miniature wargame for 6/8mm scale miniatures and OnTableTop Choice Award 2022 winner.
Vehicles and mechs are handled individually, and infantry troops move in small teams, either as grouped figures or multi-based stands.
You can fit two armies and a full battlefield on a coffee table, as little as 60 x 90 cm (2 x 3 feet), moving platoons and tank groups with the same ease you would do in a skirmish game!
All you need to remember is tracked on handy Unit cards, that are also at the center of the activations engine which ensure that at any moment all players will be kept on their toes!
You can find a sample of the rules here:
https://thelazyforger.com/full-spectrum-dominance/You can buy the complete rules under the following link: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-full-spectrum-dominance-rulebook-262512
Of course, you can also use the miniatures in other games.
We have many other miniatures and terrain models on offer. Just have a look around.
Infantry Casualties - The Enlisted Army
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